Obtaining just compensation after being injured in a car accident is difficult enough when you’re a motorist who’s been injured by another motorist’s negligence. Being injured as a passenger elevates the level of complication considerably, and you may not have any idea regarding how best to proceed. An experienced Illinois car accident attorney can help ensure that your case proceeds in accordance with the best path forward for you.
If you’ve been injured as a passenger, there are typically four options available to you regarding insurance coverage for your losses, but there’s a lot to consider. Ultimately the best path for you will hinge upon the unique circumstances involved (including which driver is at fault), but the four basic insurance venues include:
This already-complicated situation can become more so if the person driving you is a close friend, family member, or loved one.
If you file your accident claim with another driver’s insurance company, it is called a third-party claim, and determining which insurer to file with will depend upon the circumstances. Consider the following:
There are complicated factors to consider, including insurance limits and the extent of your injuries, when making this important determination.
As a passenger in one of the vehicles involved in the accident, it’s fairly clear that you bear no liability, but you will need to demonstrate the damages you’ve suffered in order to collect on them. Such damages can include:
The practiced Illinois car accident attorneys at The Horwitz Law Group are well positioned and well prepared to help guide your claim toward an optimal outcome. For more information, please don’t wait to contact us today.
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