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HomeBlogLiabilityWhat Are Common Misconceptions About Wrongful Death Cases?

What Are Common Misconceptions About Wrongful Death Cases?

Losing a loved one is, without a doubt, one of life’s most challenging experiences. When that loss is due to someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, the pain and grief can feel insurmountable. At The Horwitz Law Group, we understand your pain and empathize with your situation. We are here to help you navigate the complex legal landscape of wrongful death cases in Illinois and dispel some common misconceptions. Contact our lawyers if you need case-specific legal advice.

1. It’s All About the Money

It is a common belief that wrongful death lawsuits are solely about seeking financial compensation. However, this is far from the truth. True, these lawsuits do seek monetary compensation for the victims’ families, helping them recover financially from their loss. But more than that, they serve to hold the at-fault parties accountable for their actions, potentially saving lives by forcing negligent manufacturers to improve their products or practices.

2. Criminal Charges Preclude a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Another misconception is that if criminal charges are involved, a wrongful death lawsuit is not possible. This is not true. Criminal proceedings and civil lawsuits serve different purposes and can occur simultaneously. While criminal proceedings aim to punish the offender, a wrongful death lawsuit seeks compensation for the victim’s family for damages such as medical expenses, funeral costs, and loss of companionship.

3. There is No Time Limit to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Illinois

It is important to note that there is indeed a time limit to file a wrongful death lawsuit in Illinois. The law dictates that a lawsuit stemming from someone’s untimely passing must generally be filed within two years of the date the individual passed away. Our experienced attorneys can help ensure that all necessary deadlines are met.

4. The Insurance Company Will Offer Me a Fair Settlement

Do not fall into the trap of believing that insurance companies will always offer a fair settlement. In reality, they may not have your best interests at heart. At The Horwitz Law Group, we fight for your rights every step of the way, ensuring you get the compensation you deserve.

5. A Lawyer is Not Necessary

Perhaps the most dangerous misconception is that a lawyer is not necessary for a wrongful death lawsuit. This could not be further from the truth. Not only do you need an attorney to represent you, but you also need an attorney who has experience successfully handling wrongful death cases. Our attorneys are familiar with all applicable laws and will handle your case with the utmost compassion and professionalism.

We Are Here For You

Losing a loved one is a tragic event that no one should have to go through alone. It is during these challenging times that seeking legal guidance becomes crucial. At The Horwitz Law Group, we are your advocates. We are here to help you navigate through this difficult time and ensure that you receive the compensation and justice you deserve.

Remember, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain by contacting us for a consultation. Let us stand up and fight for you because you deserve nothing less.



Case Results


for a motor vehicle wrongful death case.


for a 75-year-old woman who suffered an above the knee amputation due to being run over by a private school bus.


for a young lady who was run over by a private waste hauling company while crossing the street.


for a trucking accident resulting in the death of the driver.


for a 70 year old man who died, without any living relatives, seven months after being hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client whose family was killed by a street sweeper that ran a red light.


for a client injured in a 2005 Metra train derailment case.


for a minor rear-ended on an expressway in Kankakee.


for a premises liability accident resulting in below the knee amputation.


for a woman who was hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client who was injured on the CTA red line train.


for a bicyclist hit by a car.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a rideshare accident injury.


for a low-speed rear-end accident.


for injuries in a van accident pulling a trailer.


for a minor injured in a ride-share accident.


for a pedestrian injured due to a sidewalk defect.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a driver injured in an auto accident.


for injuries from a right-turning truck.


for a family injured in an auto accident.


for a law enforcement officer rear-ended by a truck.


for a motorcyclist rear-ended.


for an individual injured by a dog.


for a bicyclist hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a driver rear-ended on the expressway.


for a client who had lawyers at another law firm trying to settle the accident case for only $60,000.

Tell Us About Your Case

To arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced Illinois injury lawyer complete the e-mail form below.