Have you been bitten by a dog? Under Illinois law, the owner of a dog is strictly liable for the actions of their dog unless the animal is provoked or the victim is illegally on the premises. If you have been bitten by a dog, you can collect the money you deserve for your injuries, medical bills, pain and suffering, loss of normal life, wage loss, and more, provided the animal lives in a home that has a viable renter or homeowner’s insurance policy.
Dog bite injuries can happen quickly and without warning. Unfortunately, a majority of dog bite incidents involve a dog that is already known to the victim. For example, the dog owner frequently is a friend or family member, and in many cases, the dog bite injury occurs in the victim’s own home. While some dog bite injuries are not especially serious, Dogsbite.org reports that about 1,000 people across the U.S. require emergency treatment each day because of serious dog bite injuries. Moreover, approximately 14,000 people need to be hospitalized every year because of the severity of a dog attack. In some cases, these injuries even prove to be fatal.
If you or someone you love sustained injuries in a dog attack, you can learn more about your options for filing a claim by speaking with a Chicago dog bite injury lawyer.
When you are bitten by a dog and suffer serious injuries, you should consider filing a personal injury lawsuit to seek compensation. Each state has its own laws concerning dog bite claims. Under Illinois law (510 ILCS 5/16), the state is what is known as a “strict liability” state. This means that the dog owner does not have to be negligent in order to be liable for their dog biting someone. Instead, the dog owner will be strictly liable under the statute if the following are true:
In other words, as long as the injured person did not do anything to provoke the dog attack and was allowed on the property (either as a guest or a customer, for example), then the dog owner is liable for injuries.
To be eligible for financial compensation in a dog bite claim, you must file your case within the statute of limitations. The statute of limitations is the precise amount of time a party has to file a lawsuit. If an injury victim fails to file a claim before the statute of limitations runs out, they could lose the ability to recover compensation for their injuries.
You must file your dog bite injury claim within two years of the incident. However, it is important to speak with a Chicago dog bite injury attorney as soon as possible to get started on your claim and to begin the process of seeking compensation to cover your medical bills and lost wages.
It is extremely important to be aware of the serious risks posed by animals and to know what to do in the event of an attack. At The Horwitz Law Group, we are dedicated to helping injury victims recover and move on with their lives. Each of our Chicago premises liability lawyers has handled many dog bite cases and knows what it takes to win them. Contact us today to speak with an experienced dog bite injury attorney and learn more about the services we provide.
Call or text us at 312-641-9200 or contact us by email to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney.
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