If you are injured because someone else was negligent, reckless, or otherwise careless, you have a legal right to be compensated for the damages you have suffered. Certain restrictions, thresholds, and time limits apply to this right, so it is important to discuss the specific circumstances of your case with a skilled Chicago personal injury attorney to determine whether you can pursue financial compensation through a personal injury claim.
A. Negligence occurs when another person, business or organization either takes an action or fails to take an action that results in harm to others. When someone drinks and drives, that person is neglecting the law and placing others at risk. When property owners fail to fix broken stairway railings, they are neglecting their duty to keep their property safe.
A. Damages refer to the financial losses or personal harm caused by the negligence of another. Legally, there are three types of damages.
A. In a personal injury claim, the injured party seeks compensation (money) for the monetary and non-monetary damages caused by the negligent party.
A. In most personal injury claims, the injured person’s attorney will seek financial compensation from the negligent party’s insurance company. However, the negligent party can be held personally responsible for damages.
A. Statutes of limitation apply in personal injury cases. The deadlines vary depending upon the specifics of the case. It is always wise to contact a lawyer as soon as possible so that you do not lose your right to file a personal injury or wrongful death claim.
A. Personal injury lawyers typically work on a contingency fee basis rather than charging by the hour. That means the attorney takes all the risk and pays the upfront costs and fees. In return, the attorney will be paid a percentage of whatever financial compensation he or she can obtain for the client. If the attorney fails to obtain any compensation, the client owes nothing. Contingency fee arrangements allow people of all economic backgrounds access to justice regardless of status. Clients pay no money up front and nothing out of pocket.
To learn more about the personal injury process, please contact The Horwitz Law Group today. The initial consultation is free of charge.
Call or text us at 312-641-9200 or contact us by email to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney.
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