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Hazardous Road Conditions and Auto Accidents

Auto accidents occur every day for many reasons. Many accidents in Chicago are the result of hazardous roadways, especially during the harsh winter months.  Hazardous roadways cause about 20 percent of all auto accidents. Hazardous roadways can be caused by many factors.  For example, there could be design defects such as inadequate guardrails or lighting.  It can also be a result of traffic signals that are not in plain view, potholes, and road construction.  Bad weather can pose a safety risk as well, making already poorly designed roads more dangerous because the surface may be slick. 

America has over 100 million licensed drivers, the quality of the roads is important to maintain.  Illinois’ Department of Transportation Maintenance Division is responsible for the road conditions and has standards that must be met. Injuries caused by hazardous road conditions range from broken limbs to spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, or death.  In situations where a hazardous roadway has caused injury or death, lawsuits can be filed against the governmental agency responsible for maintaining the roadway. Even if there are no other motorists involved a lawsuit can still be filed. It is important to contact an experienced attorney in order to recover for any injuries suffered and other compensation.

Getting Answers, Taking Action, Pursuing Justice

When you entrust us with your case, you can be assured that we will find out what happened and who is at fault. Then we will pursue justice on your behalf. To arrange a free consultation about your case, please contact The Horwitz Law Group by e-mail or call 312-641-9200.



Case Results


for a motor vehicle wrongful death case.


for a 75-year-old woman who suffered an above the knee amputation due to being run over by a private school bus.


for a young lady who was run over by a private waste hauling company while crossing the street.


for a trucking accident resulting in the death of the driver.


for a 70 year old man who died, without any living relatives, seven months after being hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client whose family was killed by a street sweeper that ran a red light.


for a client injured in a 2005 Metra train derailment case.


for a minor rear-ended on an expressway in Kankakee.


for a premises liability accident resulting in below the knee amputation.


for a woman who was hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client who was injured on the CTA red line train.


for a bicyclist hit by a car.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a rideshare accident injury.


for a low-speed rear-end accident.


for injuries in a van accident pulling a trailer.


for a minor injured in a ride-share accident.


for a pedestrian injured due to a sidewalk defect.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a driver injured in an auto accident.


for injuries from a right-turning truck.


for a family injured in an auto accident.


for a law enforcement officer rear-ended by a truck.


for a motorcyclist rear-ended.


for an individual injured by a dog.


for a bicyclist hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a driver rear-ended on the expressway.


for a client who had lawyers at another law firm trying to settle the accident case for only $60,000.

Tell Us About Your Case

To arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced Illinois injury lawyer complete the e-mail form below.