Every day, thousands of people across the United States take to swimming pools for leisure activities. Unfortunately, these activities can be fraught with danger, and many people end up injured or worse due to accidents or negligence. This blog post will look at some of the most common swimming pool injuries, childhood drowning statistics, and liability when it comes to public vs. private pools in the Chicago area.
The most common swimming pool injuries are head and spinal cord injuries, which can come from diving into shallow water or hitting one’s head on a hard surface while swimming. Additionally, slips and falls can occur while getting in or out of the pool, leading to broken bones, sprains, and lacerations. Many of these injuries require medical attention and could even result in long-term physical disability or death.
Drowning is particularly common among children under five years of age, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). About 10 people die every day from unintentional drowning, and two of those are children under 15 years old. Sadly, most of these deaths occur in residential pools that were not properly supervised by an adult or lifeguard at the time of the accident.
When it comes to liability after a pool accident, it is important to consider whether it was a public or private swimming pool that was involved. Generally speaking, owners of both public and private pools have a responsibility to keep their premises safe for swimmers. This includes providing appropriate safety signage near deep water areas, as well as making sure there are no hazardous conditions present that could lead to injury (such as slippery surfaces). If a person is injured due to negligence on behalf of the owner of either type of pool, he/she may be entitled to compensation through a civil suit.
A pool injury can be a physical and psychological nightmare, leaving victims struggling with hefty medical bills and, in some cases, missed work. Fortunately, if an injury is caused by another party’s negligence, a lawyer can help connected pool victims pursue a civil suit to achieve the compensation they deserve. A lawyer will oversee the entire process, gathering interviews and evidence from pool managers or employees responsible for pool safety regulations. By utilizing their extensive legal knowledge and experience regarding pool injury clauses, lawyers will ensure victims are able to present their best case possible, so they can maximize their potential for compensation.
Swimming pools provide fun recreational opportunities for people across the country. Unfortunately, they can also be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken by owners or supervisors. This blog post has looked at three key topics related to swimming pool safety: common swimming pool injuries, childhood drowning statistics, and public vs. private pool liability in relation to civil suits in Chicago area courts. If you or a loved one has been injured in a swimming pool accident, contact the experienced attorneys at The Horwitz Law Group for a consultation regarding your case.
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