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Truck Accident Lawyers Dolton

HomeTruck Accident Lawyers Dolton

Truck Accident Lawyers Dolton

Truck accidents are not simply accidents involving trucks, they are accidents involving commercial freight trucks, tractor-trailers, and vehicles that have been designed solely for the purpose of transporting goods from point A to point B. It is the company’s responsibility to ensure that these trucks are properly loaded, in good working condition, and being driven by capable, qualified drivers who are in good mental condition. When they fail in this responsibility, the company that owns the truck and pays the driver is responsible for any injuries that they might cause.

If you have been injured in a truck accident, the Dolton truck accident attorneys at the Horwitz Law Group can help you recover damages related to your injuries. Talk to us today for a free evaluation. 

Understanding Truck Accidents in Dolton

Truck accidents can occur for any number of reasons. When the accident is caused by the individual driving the truck, there are usually a handful of reasons why this happened. The most common ones are:

  • Fatigue. Overly tired truck drivers can have lapses in concentration;
  • Alcohol or drug abuse. Sometimes truck drivers abuse stimulants to stay awake and have been found with blood alcohol concentrations of more than .04, which is the legal limit;
  • Poor maintenance on the truck itself. A truck that is not in good condition should not be allowed on the road. If tires and other critical parts of the truck fail on a delivery, they can cause serious accidents.
  • Poorly trained drivers. Drivers are expected to have a commercial driver’s license in good standing in order to drive trucks. If they have caused numerous accidents, the trucking company can be held liable for negligence.
  • Speeding or other traffic violation. Truck drivers are expected to follow the rules of the road and, in fact, are subject to stricter rules than passenger vehicles. If the truck driver violates these rules, he or she puts others in danger.
  • Improperly loaded vehicle. If the vehicle is not loaded properly, it can cause serious balance issues that cause the truck to jackknife on sharp turns or after hitting bumps. It is expected that trucks will be loaded properly to ensure the safety of other drivers.
  • Lack of safety rails. Safety rails are designed to prevent smaller vehicles from having their tops taken off if they slip underneath the truck. 

Talk to a Dolton Truck Accident Attorney Today

If you have been injured by a commercial truck, you may have suffered significant injuries. The personal injury attorneys at the Horwitz Law Group can help you secure your financial future against medical expenses and missed time from work. Call us immediately to set up a free consultation. 

Case Results


for a motor vehicle wrongful death case.


for a 75-year-old woman who suffered an above the knee amputation due to being run over by a private school bus.


for a young lady who was run over by a private waste hauling company while crossing the street.


for a trucking accident resulting in the death of the driver.


for a 70 year old man who died, without any living relatives, seven months after being hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client whose family was killed by a street sweeper that ran a red light.


for a client injured in a 2005 Metra train derailment case.


for a minor rear-ended on an expressway in Kankakee.


for a premises liability accident resulting in below the knee amputation.


for a woman who was hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client who was injured on the CTA red line train.


for a bicyclist hit by a car.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a rideshare accident injury.


for a low-speed rear-end accident.


for injuries in a van accident pulling a trailer.


for a minor injured in a ride-share accident.


for a pedestrian injured due to a sidewalk defect.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a driver injured in an auto accident.


for injuries from a right-turning truck.


for a family injured in an auto accident.


for a law enforcement officer rear-ended by a truck.


for a motorcyclist rear-ended.


for an individual injured by a dog.


for a bicyclist hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a driver rear-ended on the expressway.


for a client who had lawyers at another law firm trying to settle the accident case for only $60,000.

Tell Us About Your Case

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