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Personal Injury Lawyer Chicago Heights

HomePersonal Injury Lawyer Chicago Heights

Personal Injury Lawyer Chicago Heights

Accidents happen all the time. From car crashes to slips and falls, nearly everyone can attest to being involved in some sort of minor accident, if not multiple incidents. However, when an accident is caused by the negligent, reckless, or careless actions of another party and results in serious injuries to an affected person, serious action needs to be taken. At The Horwitz Law Group, our experienced accident attorneys are passionate about representing clients who have suffered harm and need to recover compensation for their losses. Call us today if you have been in an accident and need a personal injury lawyer serving Chicago Heights.

When an Accident Isn’t an Accident

When we think of accidents, we imagine situations in which the outcome is unavoidable, unpredictable, and uncontrollable. However, that’s not what we’re talking about when we’re dealing with clients who have been involved in serious incidents that leave them with severe injuries. Instead, our clients are victims of preventable “accidents” in which the at-fault party deviated from the standard of care owed to the client. For example, car crashes caused by drunk drivers, texting while driving, or speeding are all accident types that are often entirely avoidable and would not have occurred but for the negligence of the responsible party.

You Have the Right to Seek Damages for Your Losses

When your injuries would not have occurred but for the actions of another party, you have the right to seek compensation for your losses, whether you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident, bicycle or pedestrian accident, motorcycle accident, dog bite incident, premises liability accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice incident, or something else entirely. Our personal injury lawyer near Chicago Heights will help you to seek compensation for the full value of your losses, including:

  • Medical expenses and future medical costs;
  • Lost wages and loss of earning capacity;
  • Property damage;
  • Pain and suffering; 
  • Emotional anguish; and 
  • More when appropriate – you have the right to seek compensation for the full value of your economic and noneconomic losses. 

Take Action Now if You’ve Been Injured

If you are involved in an accident and think that you may have a case, it is important that you take action as soon as possible to protect your right to compensation. Things that you should do as soon as possible include:

  • Seek medical care;
  • Take thorough notes regarding the cause of your accident;
  • Gather evidence;
  • Report your accident to local authorities if necessary;
  • Tell your insurance company; and
  • Hire an experienced accident attorney.

Don’t Delay to Seek Legal Representation for Injuries in Chicago Heights

In most cases, you only have two years from the date of your incident to file a personal injury lawsuit, which may be necessary if an out-of-court settlement cannot be reached. In addition, it is always best to collect evidence and witness statements as soon as possible after an accident. As such, there is no time to delay; call our law offices today.

We’re Here for You

With decades of experience representing accident victims throughout Chicago Heights, we have the knowledge and reputation to back up our claims and competently and successfully represent you. Call The Horwitz Law Group today for your free consultation, or send a message to our legal team using our intake form.

Case Results


for a motor vehicle wrongful death case.


for a 75-year-old woman who suffered an above the knee amputation due to being run over by a private school bus.


for a young lady who was run over by a private waste hauling company while crossing the street.


for a trucking accident resulting in the death of the driver.


for a 70 year old man who died, without any living relatives, seven months after being hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client whose family was killed by a street sweeper that ran a red light.


for a client injured in a 2005 Metra train derailment case.


for a minor rear-ended on an expressway in Kankakee.


for a premises liability accident resulting in below the knee amputation.


for a woman who was hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client who was injured on the CTA red line train.


for a bicyclist hit by a car.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a rideshare accident injury.


for a low-speed rear-end accident.


for injuries in a van accident pulling a trailer.


for a minor injured in a ride-share accident.


for a pedestrian injured due to a sidewalk defect.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a driver injured in an auto accident.


for injuries from a right-turning truck.


for a family injured in an auto accident.


for a law enforcement officer rear-ended by a truck.


for a motorcyclist rear-ended.


for an individual injured by a dog.


for a bicyclist hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a driver rear-ended on the expressway.


for a client who had lawyers at another law firm trying to settle the accident case for only $60,000.

Tell Us About Your Case

To arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced Illinois injury lawyer complete the e-mail form below.