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Chicago Personal Injury Attorney

HomeChicago Personal Injury Attorney

Chicago Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been in an accident and believe that another person or corporation is liable for the injuries that you have suffered, you can benefit from speaking to an experienced Chicago personal injury attorney. A personal injury refers to an injury that was sustained because of an accident in which another party is found to be at fault for causing the accident. The aftermath of an event that causes a personal injury can be difficult to manage, especially while attempting to focus on a quick recovery. For this reason, many people who have suffered from an injury that was caused by the reckless behavior of another party opt to work with an experienced lawyer who can help them recover just compensation. 

Types of Accidents that Could Cause a Personal Injury

Some of the common types of accidents that might result in a personal injury include but are not limited to: 

There are many different causes of a personal injury that are not limited to this list. An injury that was caused either by intentional or reckless, negligent behavior might be described as a personal injury. If you believe that you have experienced an injury that was caused by another party’s negligence, it can be beneficial to speak with a skilled personal injury attorney who can explain your legal options. 

Compensation for Personal Injuries

One of the most stressful aspects of an injury incurred in an accident is the financial implications of recovery. If you have suffered a personal injury and believe that another party is liable for the accident, you could be entitled to just compensation for your injuries. Some of the types of compensation that you could receive in the event of a personal injury include coverage of and reimbursement for: 

  • Ambulance ride 
  • Emergency response team on the scene of the accident
  • Extended stay in the hospital
  • Doctors visits
  • General medical care 
  • Outpatient physical therapy 
  • Cost of medication
  • Lost wages and compensation
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Cost of medical devices
  • Long term medical care

A serious personal injury can have devastating consequences for both the victim of the accident and their family as well. A loss of income on top of mounting medical bills can present long term financial challenges and worries. For this reason, it is advisable to learn more about your rights to just compensation in the event of an accident. 

Speak with an Experienced Chicago Personal Injury Attorney Right Away

Those who have suffered a personal injury understand just how difficult that can be. If you find yourself in this position, it is advisable to learn more about your legal options and your potential right to compensation for your injuries. The team of lawyers at The Horwitz Law Group is committed to helping those who have suffered a serious injury and are looking for legal guidance. To learn more about your options, contact us today to set up a free consultation. 

Case Results


for a motor vehicle wrongful death case.


for a 75-year-old woman who suffered an above the knee amputation due to being run over by a private school bus.


for a young lady who was run over by a private waste hauling company while crossing the street.


for a trucking accident resulting in the death of the driver.


for a 70 year old man who died, without any living relatives, seven months after being hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client whose family was killed by a street sweeper that ran a red light.


for a client injured in a 2005 Metra train derailment case.


for a minor rear-ended on an expressway in Kankakee.


for a premises liability accident resulting in below the knee amputation.


for a woman who was hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a client who was injured on the CTA red line train.


for a bicyclist hit by a car.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a rideshare accident injury.


for a low-speed rear-end accident.


for injuries in a van accident pulling a trailer.


for a minor injured in a ride-share accident.


for a pedestrian injured due to a sidewalk defect.


for a passenger injured in a rideshare rollover accident.


for a driver injured in an auto accident.


for injuries from a right-turning truck.


for a family injured in an auto accident.


for a law enforcement officer rear-ended by a truck.


for a motorcyclist rear-ended.


for an individual injured by a dog.


for a bicyclist hit by a car while crossing the street.


for a driver rear-ended on the expressway.


for a client who had lawyers at another law firm trying to settle the accident case for only $60,000.

Tell Us About Your Case

To arrange a free initial consultation with an experienced Illinois injury lawyer complete the e-mail form below.