Everyday bicycle accidents due to the increasing population that ride bikes as a means of transportation as a way to avoid traffic and pollution. In fact, the number of people who ride their bike to work has increased more than 150 percent since 2000. One-third of biking accidents happen when a car collides with a bike. Head injuries make up about 15 percent of injuries in accidents. Although laws have been enacted and bike lanes are now in streets, drivers’ negligence and inattentiveness collisions still occur. A few of the most common collisions are when a driver turns directly in front of a biker, fails to yield at an intersection, or impaired by alcohol or drugs.
In order to avoid accidents, cyclists should always rife defensively. Just because laws are in place does not mean drivers will abide by the right of way rules regarding bicycles. When on the road, cyclists should pretend they cannot be seen and wear protective gear. Biking accidents can be more complex than auto accidents so it is important to find an experienced attorney to help with the case.
As attorneys with extensive experience in bike accidents, we know how to properly and effectively investigate your case. We will identify potential defendants, contact witnesses, review police reports and medical records, and work with you to build the most compelling case possible. If you have been injured, it is important to contact a Chicago bike accident lawyer as soon as possible.
We never compromise the level of service we provide our clients. With aggressive, personalized service, there is no reason for you not to get competent, experienced advocacy.
We are experienced in bicycle accidents involving:
If you or someone you care about has been injured in a bicycle accident, contact a Chicago personal injury lawyer at The Horwitz Law Group in Chicago, Illinois, by calling 312-641-9200.
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